How many times have you stood glassy-eyed in front of your open refrigerator, wondering what to fix for dinner? Yeah - me too. In fact, when it comes making dinner, the answer to that singular question is half the battle as far as I’m concerned.
There's a simple solution though - Planning. Before I put the chart below together, I did a search online – I initially thought I would just link to a variety of useful menu planners from other sites and leave it at that. I knew there were plenty out there, and I didn’t think I needed to reinvent the wheel or anything. But what I found left me perplexed. Who are these people who make charts for moms with “courses” and five hundred tiny boxes to fill in? Have they ever actually had to feed real live children day after day after day? Back when I had a houseful of little kiddos, I felt pretty successful when we had something vegetably and some sort of protein-based main-dish for dinner. Everything else was gravy, metaphorically speaking, of course. (Although sometimes, it really was gravy.)
Planning doesn't have to difficult or confusing: keep the process simple and you're more likely to stick to it. So here’s my solution: Print out the planner below. Fill it out and magnet it to your fridge. Repeat weekly.
You can't get much simpler than that.
Printable Weekly Menu Planner [PDF]