Mother's Day doesn't have to be all unicorn glittery Hallmark magical perfection to make a perfect memory.
One of the best the best parts of Mother's Day is the memories that it leaves with us. When our kiddos are small, it is all painted hand-prints and construction paper cards and crayon-scrawled "I love you" notes. You know, the stuff us Mamas fill our treasure boxes with.
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And then there are those amazing, entertaining Mother's Day breakfasts...
I have such fond recollections of my girls filing into my bedroom every Mother's Day morning, the oldest proudly balancing our biggest tray heaped high with their carefully prepared breakfast creations.
After handing off the tray, they would all clamber up onto my bed and wiggle around like fresh puppies as they watched me eat every last bite.
Some years (thanks in part to their father) it was all about the food; lovely little pancakes covered with warm syrup, plump berries, orange juice, cinnamon toast, and even a little vase of spring flowers on the side.
Other years, let's just say it was all about the love. And that's what's really important anyway.
However, lest you get the idea that Mother's Day at our house was all unicorn glittery Hallmark magical perfection, let me reassure you that time has most definitely and conveniently smoothed over the rough edges of my memories. After a decade or two, I now only vaguely recall the major spills, and the passionate, heated arguments over who made what and who helped most, and the sticky little fingers stealing all the berries off my plate.
But, once again, it's really all about the love.
If you are wondering how to read that last sentence, please refer to the little girl front left below.

Many years have past since the days when my girls bounced their way across my bed and through my Mother's Day Brunch. Most of them have grown up, moved out, and started lives of their own. One even has her own little ones now, who I imagine bring her an equally memorable Mother's Day breakfast, complete with unicorn glitter (or in their case, sparkly Frozen snow). Luckily though, I still have a couple of my girls around, and they usually take the time to make me something truly wonderful.
Surprisingly, as my girls grow older, the effort means even more to me than it did when they were little. A few years ago, one of my daughters surprised me with these lovely strawberries-and-chocolate crepes. Not only were they beautiful but they were delicious too, and YES! You bet I bragged!
Elegant & Easy Mother's Day Brunch Recipes
If you’re wondering what to make mom this year for her special day, here are a few of our favorite Mother’s Day brunch ideas to inspire you
These easy-to-make Fresh Strawberry Crepes are light, creamy, and perfect for Mother’s Day! With with a little help mixing, even the kidlets can easily make Mom a perfect breakfast on her special day!
Ready in 15 minutes.
Eggs Provençal is a simple, yet amazing fusion of fresh flavors. Perfect for breakfast or brunch, our easy-to-make recipe takes just 10 minutes of mild effort.
This beautiful Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict is rich, delicious, and deceptively easy to make. Topped with a creamy, lemony 2-Minute Blender Hollandaise Sauce that complements the smoky salmon perfectly, it can be ready in under 15 minutes.
Scotch Eggs – crisp, savory sausage encasing creamy soft-boiled eggs – are quintessential brunch nosh. Now you can easily make perfect Scotch Eggs at home in your air fryer!
Fresh strawberries and caramelized almonds combine with a delicate, open-faced omelet to create a spectacular springtime presentation. (It's much easier to make than it looks!)
In this moist, buttery Cranberry Crumb Sourdough Coffee Cake, fresh cranberries provide a tart contrast to the sweet vanilla pound cake and double layer of rich, walnut-crumb topping. Perfect for a relaxing weekend morning or afternoon snack.
Are poached eggs still a mystery to you? Check my post on How to Make Perfectly Poached Eggs.
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Marlynn @ UrbanBlissLife says
I LOVE the pictures of you and your kiddos when they were so little! So sweet! And those cards are true treasures. I'm not a fan of making a fuss over days like Mother's Day... I would just rather do what we do - be it going out or wine tasting or staying in pajamas and watching TV all day - as long as we're together. Great recipe ideas for if we decide to stay in!
Renée ♥ says
Pajamas are definitely the way to go as far as I'm concerned!
Catherine @ Ten Thousand Hour Mama says
Oh my goodness my heart melted all over the place at the photo of those handmade Mother's Day cards. SO SWEET. Those are the kinds of mementos that are lasting (even if those crepes look to die for too!). I'm excited to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mom of 2 this year!!
Renée ♥ says
Those cards and notes are some of my greatest treasures, as is the painted purple treasure box I keep them in. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day this year, Catherine.
Michele says
I love the photos- what an adorable family you have! And I think I really must try the Dutch Apple Cranberry Crepe recipe.
Erin @ Platings and Pairings says
Those crepes are seriously impressive as are your and your daughter's sewing skills! Love the pictures 🙂 You all look SO happy!
Pech says
Whenever we are with mom, we tend to eat out - she gets good food (and she now has all of us so she can rationalize ordering more things to try from the menu) and there's no cleanup at all for any of us which everyone likes!
Renée ♥ says
I like the "no clean-up" part of your plan, Pech! I cannot tell you how many times I've had to clean up my kitchen after the kids made me Mother's Day breakfast. Seems a little wrong, if you ask me!